Is the CollegePLUS Policy (IUL) Right for your family?

Is An IUL right for my family

“Unlock Financial Freedom for Your Child: CollegePLUS – More Than Just Tuition Coverage!”

Life is unpredictable, especially when it comes to planning for your child’s education. Traditional college savings plans have limitations, but we have a game-changer – the CollegePLUS Policy from The Policy Shop. It not only offers market-driven returns but comes with unparalleled benefits, safeguarding your principal and providing flexibility like never before.

  1. The CollegePLUS IUL Advantage: Beyond Traditional College Savings Plans

“Breaking Free from Limits: CollegePLUS and the New Horizon of Education Planning”

Traditional college savings plans come with restrictions and penalties. CollegePLUS Indexed Universal Life Insurance breaks free from these constraints, offering market-driven returns without compromising your principal. Learn how this policy provides full downside protection, unrestricted use of proceeds, and the flexibility to navigate the unpredictable nature of educational expenses.

  1. Tax-Free Compounded Growth: A Debt-Free Future Awaits

“Building Wealth, Breaking Chains: CollegePLUS and Tax-Free Compounded Growth”

One of the many benefits of CollegePLUS lies in its ability to provide tax-free compounded growth. Explore how this policy gives you the advantage of tax-free growth, allowing your investment to flourish without the burden of taxes. Witness the power of compounding working in your favor, shaping a debt-free future for your child.

  1. Market-Driven Benefits: Tailoring Your Child’s Financial Future

“Your Choices, Your Gains: CollegePLUS and the Flexibility to Pick Your Index”

Discover the market-driven benefits of CollegePLUS, where you have the flexibility to choose the index that aligns with your financial goals. Returns are determined by your selected indexes, offering compounded interest based on positive market performance. Understand how this approach keeps your money secure while still earning meaningful returns.

  1. Ultimate Liquidity with Tax-Free Access to Funds

“Your Money, Your Terms: CollegePLUS and Tax-Free Access to Funds”

College expenses, unforeseen opportunities – your child’s future is full of possibilities. CollegePLUS provides ultimate liquidity, allowing you to access your funds tax-free whenever you need them. Learn how your money grows tax-deferred inside the policy, giving you the flexibility to meet your child’s needs on your schedule.

  1. Avoiding Market Volatility: A Shield Against Downturns

“Steadfast Protection: CollegePLUS Shields Your Principal Against Market Volatility”

Market downturns can be daunting, but not with CollegePLUS. Understand how your principal and gained interest are shielded against market downturns. Even when your chosen index shows a negative return, your principal remains protected. CollegePLUS ensures your child’s education fund stays resilient, regardless of market fluctuations.

  1. Full Flexibility in Fund Usage: Tailoring Your Financial Strategy

“Beyond College Walls: CollegePLUS and the Full Flexibility of Fund Usage”

CollegePLUS isn’t just about college expenses. Explore the unparalleled flexibility it offers in fund usage – short-term goals, long-term aspirations, and everything in between. Tailor your financial strategy to your child’s specific needs, all without worrying about tax implications. CollegePLUS empowers you to shape your child’s financial future, whatever the purpose may be.

Unlock financial freedom for your child with CollegePLUS from The Policy Shop. Consult with us today and embark on a journey where education planning goes beyond traditional boundaries.





Related Content | Learn More about IULs:


What is Indexed Universal Life Insurance?

Here is the best explanation: Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) is a type of permanent life insurance that lasts your whole life and has two main parts: a death benefit that pays out when you pass away, and a cash value component that can grow over time. What sets IUL apart from other types of life insurance is how the cash value grows. Instead of just earning a set interest rate, the cash value in an IUL policy can also increase based on the performance of an underlying stock market index, like the S&P 500.


How The IUL Works: When the index goes up, your cash value goes up too, but only up to a certain limit, called a “cap.” For example, if your policy has a cap of 7% and the index goes up by 8%, your cash value would only increase by 7%. However, if the index goes down, your cash value won’t lose any value – it stays the same, protecting your money from market losses.

The cash value in your IUL policy grows tax-deferred, meaning you don’t pay taxes on it until you withdraw the money. This allows your cash value to grow faster over time. Plus, because IUL is permanent life insurance, your loved ones are protected financially with a tax-free death benefit when you pass away, as long as you keep paying the premiums.


What are IUL insurance riders?

IUL policies also offer various optional add-ons called riders that can enhance your coverage. here is a list of the best:

  • Adjustable Term Insurance Rider: Adds a term life insurance component to your policy for extra coverage.
  • Additional Insured Rider: Extends coverage to your spouse or children.
  • Long-Term Care Rider: Provides income to cover long-term care expenses like nursing home or home care.
  • Chronic Illness Rider: Pays out a portion of the death benefit if you’re diagnosed with a chronic illness.
  • Accelerated Benefit Rider: Provides a portion of the death benefit early if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Our team of IUL experts can help you decide if an indexed universal life insurance policy is right for your financial needs.