A closer look at BespokeFINANCE Life Insurance | High Net-worth


High-net-worth individuals often have high-estate demands expected of them, and The Policy Shop’s BespokeFINANCE Life Insurance emerges as an ideal option, redefining opportunities for those who seek high-value life insurance. Let’s unravel the intricacies of BespokeFINANCE, a policy designed specifically for high-net-worth individuals, offering an appropriate combination of leverage, investment, and asset protection to leverage current assets allowing them to keep performing while creating a new insurance asset for you to benefit from.


BespokeFINANCE isn’t your typical financial policy; it’s a unique and customizable solution tailored for high-net-worth individuals.


The 5 Key Points to BespokeFINANCE:


  1. Market-Driven Benefits: Flexibility to Pick the Index of Your Choice

  • Returns are linked to indexes of your choosing, allowing you to allocate your policy’s accumulation value to earn compounded interest based on the positive performance of an external market. Interest is credited annually, providing a dynamic and flexible approach to market-driven benefits.


  1. Leverage Your Capital: High-Value Life Insurance Without Liquidating Your Assets

  • BespokeFINANCE offers bank-financed premium options, providing a strategic avenue for those requiring substantial life insurance without the need to liquidate assets. This approach allows assets to remain in high-performing vehicles without tax consequences, utilizing leverage to fund premiums.


  1. Market Volatility Protected: At No Time Is Your Money at Risk in the Market

  • Your principal and gained interest are safeguarded against market downturns. While tracking the performance of your chosen index, you’re not directly participating in the market, ensuring protection against negative returns while preserving your accumulated value.


  1. Tax-Free Wealth Generation: Avoid Tax Consequences with the Use of Leverage

  • Qualified individuals can utilize bank-financed premiums to fund their BespokeFINANCE policy, compounding tax-free interest. This strategy allows high-net-worth clients to keep their assets working outside the policy, creating a new asset that generates tax-free wealth.


  1. Generational Wealth Transfer: Meeting High-Planning Demands

  • BespokeFINANCE provides a tailored solution for enhancing the impact of your legacy. Whether addressing inheritance taxes, business planning, or other estate demands, this policy ensures your estate’s high-planning requirements are met for a lasting legacy.


Preparing for the Demands of a High-Net-Worth Estate

BespokeFINANCE is meticulously designed to allow you to keep your assets where they perform best, using bank-financed premiums to secure the high-value life insurance your estate demands.


Your Key to a More Prepared Future: BespokeFINANCE

Contact us today to explore BespokeFINANCE and discover how it can transform your financial future. Our team of experts is ready to guide you every step of the way. At The Policy Shop, we’re not just selling policies; we’re empowering your financial future. Thank you for considering The Policy Shop for your financial needs. We look forward to being a part of your wealth-building journey.