Insurance Veterans Launch The Policy Shop | Life Insurance

Challenging the Status Quo; Utilizing Innovative Insurance Products as a Tool for Wealth Creation. 


Delray Beach, FL – In a market saturated with traditionalism, The Policy Shop emerges as a beacon of innovation. The recently launched agency introduces a new class of insurance products designed to empower the financial future of modern investors.


Life Insurance is ripe for innovation,” states Jonathan Moulton, Co-Founder and Chief Policy Officer of The Policy Shop. “We’ve reimagined it as something much more than a safety net—it’s an asset class for financial growth, with the opportunity to outperform traditional investments.”


The Policy Shop is on a mission to provide a compelling alternative to restrictive financial vehicles like 529 College Plans or traditional IRAs, offering robust insurance contracts tailored to each client’s unique financial landscape.


Their insurance products serve as more than just safety nets; they’ve custom-tailored them into powerful financial instruments that align with the highly desirable core benefits of wealth accumulation, tax-free growth, and downside protection.


Shifting the narrative, The Policy Shop’s inventive offerings are designed to liberate consumers from the confines of outdated financial planning tools.


Their flagship product, WealthX, is designed to not only provide life insurance coverage but also to allow for the accumulation of cash value tied to market performance, without the risk of losing your initial investment — also known as principal — during market downturns. This innovative strategy offers the dual advantage of market-linked growth potential alongside the foundational security that comes with insurance, all structured in a tax-efficient manner.


Whereas CollegePLUS looks to offer an enticing alternative to highly restrictive college savings plans. Ideal for families, CollegePLUS stands out by offering market-driven returns similar to traditional college savings plans but adds a distinct advantage — full downside protection and unrestricted use of proceeds. CollegePLUS not only aligns with market-driven returns but also empowers families to use their investments for immediate needs or future opportunities, tax-free. A game-changer in the industry.


“Long gone are the days when insurance was just a contingency plan,” explains Jonathan Globerman, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Policy Shop. “We are pioneering an evolved strategy where insurance is a critical asset class in one’s portfolio and planning for life’s big decisions,” he adds.


Both Globerman and Moulton are Delray Beach natives, making the area their home for their families over the last two decades. Many of their initial clients have been the young families and businesses they’ve grown up with that are quickly seeing the opportunity with this new style of insurance product.


“I have been doing this for a very long time, and it’s amazing to see how our new approach and communications are catching on,” says Moulton with a hint of pride. “We see it every day—our clients’ eyes light up as they experience the benefits of what our products offer. This is the kind of innovation that reinvigorates our passion for the Life Insurance industry and is at the heart of everything we do.”


About The Policy Shop


Launched in 2023, The Policy Shop builds on a heritage that spans three generations, blending proven expertise with modern financial innovation to transform the industry standard. In a bold move that challenges the status quo, The Policy Shop is on a mission to revolutionize the insurance industry with a compelling vision: transforming insurance from a mundane necessity into a dynamic vehicle for wealth growth and tax efficient financial planning. The Policy Shop has launched its headquarters in Delray Beach, FL, charting a course of rapid expansion in South Florida before continuing nationwide.