Utilizing the CollegePLUS IUL to Secure Your Child’s Education

Using an IUL to secure your child’s education

Security for Your Child’s Future.


As the costs of education soar, families face the challenging task of preparing for their children’s and grandchildren’s academic journeys. The escalating expenses, with an average annual increase of 5% to 8%, pose a significant hurdle for aspiring students. The Policy Shop recognizes the growing need for innovative solutions to fund higher education and introduces the transformative CollegePLUS IUL Policy.


The Struggle for College Funding:

According to the College Board’s “Trends in College Pricing, 2015,” the average total costs for attending colleges and universities have skyrocketed. Families are grappling with the financial strain, and the grim reality is that many students forego their first-choice schools due to the escalating costs.


CollegePLUS, Indexed Universal Life Insurance Beyond Protection:

While life insurance is a cornerstone of financial planning, the CollegePLUS IUL Policy takes it a step further. Beyond offering protection in times of need, the premiums paid toward this policy serve a dual purpose. This dynamic policy not only safeguards loved ones but also accumulates value for various needs, with a focus on education funding.


The Dual-Purpose Advantage of CollegePLUS:

The CollegePLUS IUL Policy emerges as a compelling alternative to conventional funding methods. Here’s why it stands out:


Tax-Deferred Accumulation Value: Enjoy tax-deferred growth on the accumulation value, ensuring a financially sound foundation for future educational needs.


Protection from Risk: Shield your investment from market volatility, minimizing the impact of economic downturns.


Control and Flexibility: Retain control over the accumulation value and decide when to take policy loans, tailoring the strategy to your evolving needs.


Non-“Countable Asset”: When applying for college financial aid, the policy’s value doesn’t count against you, providing a strategic advantage.


Access to Tax-Deferred Value: Seamlessly access the tax-deferred accumulation value to fund educational endeavors without incurring unnecessary tax burdens.


Indexed Policy: CollegePLUS:


The CollegePLUS Policy, rooted in the principles of Indexed Universal Life (IUL), mirrors specific stock indices like the S&P 500. This unique approach allows for returns based on market performance. As the cash value grows, policyholders can tap into tax-free loans to supplement educational funding needs.


A Long-Term Strategy with Expert Guidance:

The decision to embrace the CollegePLUS Policy as an educational funding strategy requires thoughtful consideration. The Policy Shop emphasizes the importance of consulting independent financial or insurance professionals to navigate the nuances and ensure alignment with individual circumstances.


Secure your child’s educational journey with the CollegePLUS Policy—an intelligent investment in both protection and prosperity.