CollegePLUS IUL vs. 529 Plan

IUL vs. 529 Plan

WHY SHOULD I CONSIDER A Collegeplus policy instead of a 529 plan?

A CollegePLUS policy, based on an Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policy, and a 529 plan serve different purposes and have distinct features. Here’s a comparison:



CollegePLUS policy (IUL): This plan is a life insurance policy that offers lifelong coverage and can be used for various financial needs, including college funding. It provides a death benefit to beneficiaries and accumulates cash value over time, which can be withdrawn or borrowed against to cover expenses like college tuition.

529 Plan: A 529 plan is specifically designed for saving ONLY for education expenses. It offers tax advantages for qualified educational expenses and is primarily intended to fund higher education.

Tax Benefits:

CollegePLUS policy (IUL): While contributions to this plan are not tax-deductible, the cash value growth is tax-free. You can access the cash value tax-free through policy loans and withdrawals.

529 Plan: Contributions to a 529 plan may qualify for state tax deductions or credits, and earnings grow tax-free. Withdrawals for qualified education expenses are also tax-free at the federal level.


CollegePLUS policy (IUL): This plan provides flexibility in terms of fund usage. The cash value can be used not only for college expenses but also for other financial needs such as retirement or emergencies.

529 Plan: Funds in a 529 plan are primarily earmarked for educational expenses. While it can cover various education-related costs, diverting funds to other purposes may incur penalties or taxes.

Investment Options:

CollegePLUS policy (IUL): IUL policies often offer a variety of indexed accounts where the cash value can be linked to the performance of financial markets. This can offer the potential for higher returns. By using indexing, the principal and interest gained are protected against negative market performance.

529 Plan: Typically, 529 plans offer a range of investment options, including pre-designed portfolios. Investment options within a 529 plan vary depending on the specific state’s plan. Investments carry risks and if the market performs negative, your principal and interest gained could decrease.

Lifetime Coverage:

CollegePLUS policy (IUL): An IUL policy provides lifelong coverage, offering both a financial safety net through its death benefit and a means to accumulate wealth for various needs.

529 Plan: A 529 plan is focused on education savings and doesn’t offer the same lifelong insurance coverage or wealth accumulation features.

Ownership and Beneficiary:

CollegePLUS policy (IUL): You, as the policyholder, own the IUL policy, and you can designate beneficiaries for the death benefit.

529 Plan: A 529 plan is typically owned by the account holder (often a parent or guardian) for the benefit of the intended student.


In summary, a CollegePLUS policy, by The Policy Shop, particularly based on an IUL policy, provides greater flexibility and a broader range of financial uses compared to a 529 plan.