Unlocking Growth: Cash Value Accumulation | WealthX IUL

Cash Value Accumulation in IULs


Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policies offered by The Policy Shop, such as WealthX, present a unique avenue for cash value accumulation, leveraging the performance of stock market indices. Let’s delve into how the cash value grows within WealthX IUL and what sets it apart.

Linking Cash Value Growth to Market Indices

WealthX IUL policies accumulate cash value by tracking the returns of a chosen stock market index. Policyholders have the flexibility to select the index they want their cash value account to follow, tailoring their investment strategy to their preferences and risk tolerance.

Capped Returns and Guaranteed Floors

Returns on the cash value of WealthX IUL policies are typically capped at 8-9%, offering policyholders the opportunity to benefit from market upswings while limiting exposure to excessive gains. Additionally, these policies often come with a floor of 0%, ensuring that even in the event of negative index performance, the cash value will not decrease.

Unlocking Growth: Understanding Cash Value Accumulation in WealthX IUL


Benefits of WealthX IUL Cash Value Growth

  1. Market Participation with Risk Management: By linking cash value growth to market indices, WealthX IUL policies allow policyholders to participate in market gains while providing downside protection through capped returns and guaranteed floors.
  2. Flexibility and Customization: Policyholders have the flexibility to choose the index that aligns with their investment goals and risk appetite, empowering them to tailor their wealth accumulation strategy.
  3. Steady Growth Potential: With capped returns and guaranteed floors, WealthX IUL offers a balanced approach to cash value accumulation, providing the potential for steady, sustainable growth over time.

Variable Universal Life

Indexed Universal Life

401(k), IRA

Roth IRA


Savings, Money Market








Contribution Limit

Flexible depending on coverage amount

Flexible depending on coverage amount





Investment Risk and Reward

No floor, No ceiling

Floor: 0% Ceiling: 8-9% (usually)

No floor, no ceiling

No floor, no ceiling

No floor, no ceiling

0% floor. Ceiling depending on the institution.

Early Access Penalties

No, however a surrender charge may apply for the first 10-15 years

No, however a surrender charge may apply for the first 10-15 years

Yes if before age 59 1/2

Yes if before age 59 1/2



Taxes Incurred

Only if withdrawing more than your cumulative payment amount

Only if withdrawing more than your cumulative payment amount

When accessing any amount

Only on early withdrawal

On any gains when securities are sold

Yearly on interest

Tax-Free Loans



In limited circumstances

In limited circumstances




Conclusion: Harnessing Growth Potential with WealthX IUL

WealthX Indexed Universal Life policies from The Policy Shop offer a powerful means of cash value accumulation, leveraging the performance of market indices while mitigating risk through capped returns and guaranteed floors. By choosing WealthX IUL, policyholders can unlock the potential for steady, sustainable growth, providing financial security and peace of mind for the future. Explore the benefits of WealthX IUL today at www.thepolicyshop.com and embark on a journey towards financial prosperity.