The WealthX IUL | insurance industry’s best-kept secret

IUL | insurance industry’s best-kept secret


What I’m about to share with you is one of the insurance industry’s best-kept secrets. And although not a lot of people know about it, it has started to gain some attention in the last several years. As a business owner, entrepreneur, or planner of your future, more recently, you may have heard terms such as “Infinite Banking,” “Indexed Universal Life (I-U-L),” and “Cash Accumulation Life Insurance.” Or maybe you haven’t. Regardless, in more recent years, these products have become incredibly popular. So you may have heard one of these terms, if not all of them, and for good reason. The craze surrounding these products has only grown as of late, as the public becomes more and more familiar with the idea of “becoming your own bank” or “Infinite Banking.”


A Revelation of Compound Interest

I still remember the first time I ever saw the power of compound interest, more specifically in regard to cash accumulation life insurance. Now, if I’m being honest, I was actually pretty mad.

I was mad that I was just now hearing about this strategy in my 30s. As someone who’s been a serial entrepreneur and someone who thought I was carefully planning for my future, I was simply stunned that nobody had ever told me how to protect everything that I had been working so hard to attain while at the same time, accumulating cash value that I could leverage to grow my portfolio and assets, such as real estate, cars, business investments, land, or whatever I wanted to use it for, even a vacation. Why hasn’t anyone ever told me about this? Why didn’t my parents start one of these for me when I was a child?

Anyways, I digress. But the truth is, even though these products have only gained in popularity in the last several years, most people simply don’t know what they are or, more specifically, what they are capable of. Now, let’s face it, most people, especially younger people, even if they are business-minded or entrepreneurial in nature, when they hear the term “life insurance,” more often than not, it tends to fall on deaf ears. I mean, you’re young, right? Life insurance? That’s for old people, in the last chapter of their lives. You have plenty of time to worry about that later on, right? Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought as well.


An Awakening to Life Insurance’s Potential

Life insurance simply never crossed my mind as well. Well, that all changed when a dear friend’s father passed away at the age of 49 years old, and my friend and his family were left to navigate the most difficult time of their life with a huge amount of financial pressure simultaneously. It was a really sad and difficult situation.

As a parent, can you imagine leaving behind nothing for your kids? No financial legacy? What was most eye-opening was the idea that this man had worked over 27 years of his life, had a house, had a 4-O-1-K, etc., and when it was all said and done, his financial legacy had disappeared in a moment.

How could everything fall apart so quickly? This made me think about my own life. As a business owner, entrepreneur, and someone who deeply cares about leaving a legacy behind, the whole situation was simply heartbreaking. It opened my eyes to the reality that death, illness, or disability waits for no one. What would it be like to work my whole life to build something and it all disappear due to an illness, a terminal condition, or an untimely death?

What would it be like to work your whole life to build something, and it all disappear due to an unforeseen tragedy, illness, or terminal condition?


Life Insurance Beyond Death

I was determined to never let that happen to me. What I quickly realized was that life insurance is not just for when you die. It’s about so much more than that. It’s about income protection, asset protection, becoming your own bank, accumulation of tax-free income, retirement, and most importantly, passing on generational wealth, wealth that’s completely free of death tax or probate.

You see, cash-accumulating life insurance has been a hack of the uber-elite in wealth for a very long time. You may have heard that Walt Disney, Ray Kroc, and even JCPenney all utilized cash value life insurance to build their empires. In fact, out of all the institutions that have made it with flying colors through the Great Depression, the only ones to do so were the life insurance companies.

Even banks have 40% of their cash reserves in life insurance companies, meaning if the economy were to fail, the life insurance companies would literally be the last domino to fall. This is why life insurance and hence Infinite Banking has been such a huge strategy for the wealthy for decades, because they allow you to grow significant sums of cash value while also protecting yourself from the absolute worst.

And with 2 out of every 3 bankruptcies resulting from critical, terminal illness, or death, it’s the only real way to ensure that your assets are protected. The problem is nobody knows this is even possible? Nobody knows what it actually is. Sure, it’s not uncommon for people to have term life insurance, and that often is a great decision, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

For some, having that temporary layer of protection in the form of term life, in order to save on cost, is worth it to them and serves a tremendous purpose. But also imagine this, as an entrepreneur and business owner yourself, what sense does it make to work so hard and never bother protecting your assets you’re working so hard to attain, on a longer-term basis, and more importantly, protecting your family and loved ones so that they can maintain a quality of life even if something were to happen to you? And while term by itself is something, it is simply designed for a certain period of time.


The Power of WealthX Indexed Universal Life Insurance

But what if you could protect your assets, build generational wealth, become your own bank, and retire, all in one vehicle? Well… you can!!! Hence the power of The Policy Shops WealthX Indexed Universal Life Insurance. In this sense, you’re not only protecting yourself in case of the worst, but you’re actually leveraging WealthX as an asset class that actually allows for future growth.

Now, I’m not saying that you can’t use these products in your older years. I have plenty of clients who come to me even now in their 50s and 60s. But the point is, how much further ahead would so many people be if they were just simply educated in the right ways in order to leverage their health in their younger years, or how many people could simply avoid absolute financial ruin by simply setting themselves up with a WealthX policy that actually only grows their liquidity while simultaneously protecting themselves.

I don’t know about you, but if we’re really honest, there’s so many other lesser important things that we spend our money on. Setting up a policy as a vehicle that puts you in the driver’s seat in regards to your financial future seems pretty reasonable, especially when it serves us in more ways than one.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jonathan Globerman, Co-Founder of The Policy Shop, serial entrepreneur and insurance broker. Our agency has been educating people on the power of cash value life insurance, via a specially designed IUL known as WealthX, and we have helped hundreds of clients, young entrepreneurs, and business owners who understand the opportunities IUL offers and the proper way to structure them so that it’s not just a policy but a living asset that can be leveraged for several different things in one, including building wealth, becoming your own bank, safeguarding your money against market volatility, and producing tax-free liquidity for whatever purpose you see fit, including retirement.

As an entrepreneur and business owner myself, I believe in these products and have been using them myself to leverage my liquidity while protecting myself and my assets. As a result, I felt compelled to share this information with other like-minded people.

The truth is, I have found this to be more than just a job. In some ways, it’s become a mission to help hard-working individuals such as yourself and subsequently their families set themselves up for a brighter future.

Their age-old adage goes: “Hope for the best, but plan for the worst”. Our take on that expression is: “Fortunne Favors the Prepared”. And the WealthX indexed universal life policy allows you to do just that, be prepared with tax-free liquidity when you want it, compounded interest growth, a death benefit for your family, market-based returns with protection against loss of principal. You see, the indexed universal life allows all these functions because, in the most technical sense possible, it is a life insurance policy. As opposed to a 401 k, Roth IRA, 403 B, or whatever qualified product you may be using now, an indexed universal life provides a significant shield against market volatility while allowing you to borrow against it at any time, free from any penalties or taxes. And because it’s a life insurance policy, it’s the one area of domain the IRS simply can’t touch.

The way this works is, every month as you put money into your policy, a portion of this money goes towards the death benefit or your face amount, and the rest of the money goes into a cash accumulation account that grows anywhere …between 6%, 8%, 10%, 12% and sometimes even greater percent a year. Because your money is indexed in a Wealth-X Indexed Universal Life Policy, your money isn’t technically in the market, like a 4-O-1-K or any qualified plan.

So, when the market drops, such as it did in 2008 or even as recent as 2022 (loss of over 17%), your principal is safe because whatever gains you’ve seen up until that point have already been locked in. A lot of clients I talk to, decide to overfund these policies on purpose in order to grow their borrowing power.

Now, this is even more beneficial than you would imagine because if you decide to take a loan against your policy, the accumulation value continues to grow as if you took nothing from it. This is the power of WealthX. Let’s just say there’s a reason why the wealthiest people on the planet understand this hack, and you can take it to the bank, or maybe become your own bank;  No pun intended, but they are most definitely using this strategy to significantly safeguard their assets from taxes, market volatility, and in the most obvious case, an untimely death.


Embracing Financial Flexibility

I help people understand and set up these plans every single day, but one thing I can tell you is, if you want a lasting legacy and a financial future that you can be proud of, one that sets up your family for generations to come, you have to have a plan. Fortune Favors the Prepared.

If this strategy sounds like something that could significantly benefit you, your business, as well as the financial future of you and your family, then I would recommend for you to book a free strategic assessment with me.

Obviously, in a format such as this, I can go on and on for hours, but it’s not the best context to understand your unique set of circumstances and what type of plan could benefit you the most.

I have found that the best way for you to have great clarity on how all the numbers look and all the nuances of how WealthX works is by scheduling a strategic assessment and me showing you an illustration.

You will begin to understand more about how these plans need to be structured in order to gain maximum cash value, how to utilize the WealthX policy in order to acquire larger assets such as real estate, how you can set this up for a comfortable retirement at any age but only if funded properly.

Now, I’ll be honest, because I’ve been doing this for quite some time, in some ways, I’ve become used to the power of these products, but it still never ceases to amaze me how most times when I sit down with a young family or business owner, they have an AHA moment and are asking me if they can pass on my phone number and contact information to other friends and family members. I’ve even had people invite me over to their house in order to do presentations to a living room full of people.

The power of WealthX cash value life insurance is just that good. So naturally, booking a strategic assessment might just be the first step in getting more educated on how this can benefit your financial future and, quite frankly, it might just change the way you see money and how to make it work for you.


A Call to Action

Now, one thing I will say, these plans and policies are incredible, but I can’t tell you how many times I talk to someone who would like to look at how one of these plans can help, yet they waited until their health is, let’s just say, less than optimal, and they just simply can’t qualify for all the same benefits anymore.

Acting now, when you’re young or while your health is in good standing, is the best time to do something like this. Now… it’s never too late…, but I hate to say it, the cost of procrastinating can be very expensive, and waiting until you’re “ready” is actually the worst thing you can do because there’s simply no guarantee that you will qualify in the future.


Seize Your Financial Future with WealthX

The choice to plan NOW, empowers you to act in a way that causes you to be accountable to a plan or a strategy rather than waiting for everything to be perfect. The truth is the day when everything is perfect will never come.

So again, if you believe this can help your business and your family, book a time on my calendar and either myself or one of my agents who I have personally trained will be able to sit down with you and have a strategic assessment to see if this is something that can bring more peace of mind, greater financial stability, and more flexibility to your financial future.

In the meantime, please remember: FORTUNE FAVORS THE PREPARED



If you’re ready to transform your life and achieve your financial goals, contact The Policy Shop today to learn more about WealthX IUL and start your journey towards financial security.